GIS | Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems - [GIS] (Desktop and Online): [expert]:
An understanding of spatial analysis, data management in a relational database, map preparation, and topographic data development, spatial mapping, data preparation and correction.
Knowledge of ArcGIS/ArcGIS Pro and associated extensions including 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst.
Provide process flow documentation and user aids for any newly developed or modified processes, IGIS account.
[ArcGIS 10.3.x, ArcGISpro, ArcMAP, ArcCatalog, ArcView, ArcFM, ArcPy, ArcGIS Model Builder, ArcGIS Server, ArcReader, ArcInfo] - Desktop/Online/Enterprise.
QGIS, SQLforArcGISPRO, BatchGeo, Carto, Grass GIS, GeoDa, Whitebox Geospatial Inc, HEC-HMS 4.11.
ORA, NetMapper, CASOS tool suite, Google Earth, USGS/EROS, GEO Databases, Relational Databases, SQL Databases.
TOP Ten best Maps:
[NAO] North Atlantic Oscillation analysis.

This was a North Atlantic Oscillation analysis. This shows the low and high points for a given time series Read More:
The flow of GAS throughout the EU

This was a network analysis of the EU Natural Gas network. Read More:

This was a land cover land use analysis of Miami ,FL beach. Read More:
This was a land cover land use analysis of Gainesville, FL through the years.
Read More:

This was a map of subdivision project, link to CAD plan below.

This was a map of infections throughout England and Wales.
This was a toy example.


Map of local Wells Fargo bank and drive through availability.

FLorida TV station map.
Moving Valmer

Aquifer SQ Area